We hear it time and time again. We see beautiful posts about happiness on social media. We watch uplifting YouTube videos. We hear it from the gurus. We see it in the movies.
“Just be happy. Choose happiness.”
Awesome! That sounds great, but what does it mean?
Where do I start?
How can I be happy when I am broke?
How can I be happy when I just lost my job?
How can I be happy when I am depressed?
How can I be happy when life sucks?
How can I be happy when ……{fill in the blank with anything}?
The easy answer is happiness is not something that you find, it’s not something you look for.
Happiness is the essence of your soul.
Really Christine, is that all you have?
Walk with me here.
Happiness is more than how you feel. WAY MORE. It is easy to relate to happiness when you are on vacation, or enjoying a nice meal with family and friends or enjoying positive experiences in your life.
But, we leave happiness at the door when sh*t gets real.
We get off the happy rollercoaster as soon as challenge knocks on your door.
For most of us, happiness is not invited unless we say so.
Unless circumstances call for it,
Unless you get everything you want,
Unless you do not have challenges,
Unless you are stress free (good luck with that one),
The fact is that we put conditions on happiness and we call it in whenever it is convenient. We allow happiness only when the conditions are ripe.
Listen, this does not mean that you need to fake your way through life and pretend that you do not have any challenges, pain or struggle. That’s called spiritual bypassing and I am not an advocate.
Happiness is a state of being.
It all comes down to love. Do you love your life in spite of the chaos, the pain and the challenges?
Stop putting pressure on yourself to find external happiness “out there”.
Stop trying to feel happy all the time.
It is not “there”.
That’s temporary happiness.
Happiness is here and ever present. It is here when the sun rises and sets.
Happiness means that you are so lucky to be alive.
Happiness means that although you feel pain some days, there are deep lessons to learn and experiences to live.
Happiness does not need a reason to exist in your world.
Happiness is always in you. It sits with you when you are in pain. It holds your hand when you are struggling, and it whispers to you during your darkest days that you have a life to live because your breath is your gift.
I have crappy days. I do not try to pretend that “all is well” all the time, but I am a lot gentler with myself when I am feeling down. I am especially gentler with myself on those days. Happiness is hugging me real tight on those days.
I was having a particularly hard time not that long ago when I came across the passage below from the amazing angel whisperer Doreen Virtue. This passage always gives me the most loving smack down when I need one. I hope it serves you too.
You are very fortunate to be alive at this time in human history. For that matter, any time we are alive, it is a miracle. The angels have taught me that more souls want an earth life than there are bodies to accommodate them. Souls actually stand in line, awaiting Divine assignments on earth. The fact that YOU are here, in a human body, signifies that you are a winner. God chose you to come here, knowing that you have many gifts and talents that will benefit His other children. Nothing you could ever do would eradicate your Divine heritage.
You do not need a reason to be happy. Being alive is happiness.
If you are looking for tips and tools on how to get into the vibration of happiness, there are a few SOUL SESSIONS open for one on one coaching with me here.
lisa V
Posted at 14:42h, 14 AugustI can’t think of a better way to start Sunday morning, a cup of coffee and reading your latest posts.. Thanks for the cup of joe for my soul.
Posted at 02:19h, 15 AugustThank you so much for that very important lesson. God bless you for your loving wisdom. You were put on this earth to be an inspiration to others less fortunate. You are a product of parents, grandparents and a family that adores you. It is your mission to spread that love.