It just requires a little faith
It isn’t always easy to have faith, but every time I am about to go under, the Universe throws me a lifeline. It happened not that long ago…
It was a busy afternoon and I was in the middle of multitasking as usual. I had just left a stressful deposition with a client. My phone rang and it was a realtor on the other end. “The buyers want to back out.”
My heart sank. I had bent over backwards to extend deadlines in the contract and accommodate every single request. I even negotiated a price that I wasn’t entirely happy with but I was willing to do it for the sake of the sale. The problem is I had placed all my eggs in one basket. I signed a new lease and gave a non-refundable deposit. I took a risk hoping that it would all work out.
As he uttered the dreaded words, “Sorry, I am sending you the cancellation today”, tears streamed down my face. I went into full panic. I did not have a back up contract. I remember looking up at the sky and saying some choice words. I then had a pity party for about 30 seconds and then I realized, wait!
You can’t just throw in the towel and give up right now. There must be a better plan.
By the time I reached my destination, I had prayed, cried and prayed some more. Then I said the magical words: I don’t know how, but I need a new contract and I need it today.
I just released it to the universe and surrendered. What else could I do?
As I stepped into my office, I was quickly consumed by pressing deadlines. For a few hours, I forgot what had just happened because what is more stressful than losing a sale and a possible deposit and lease?
Being a lawyer.
As I was putting out fires, my phone rang. My first reaction was to send it to voicemail. I didn’t recognize the number anyway. But, a very persistent inner voice said “pick it up”.
On the other end was a nice gentleman inquiring about the condo. I wanted to blow him off immediately because I didn’t think he was serious. But when I briefly described what had happened, he was very happy to learn that the condo was on the market again and he wanted to see it immediately.
Fast forward to that evening. His family fell in love with my condo and after negotiating terms over text, I had a new deal. The clock was ticking because my new landlord was expecting me to move in to the new unit within 20 days. I thought this was going to be nearly impossible because the new buyers had to get approval for a loan.
And then it happened.
The deal closed just in time. Every step went smoothly and quickly, unlike the experience with the first buyers. The second deal had a better price too! As I walked out of the closing I looked up at the sky, but this time I winked and I felt so grateful and humbled by God’s power.
As I caught my breath, and settled down, I realized that I was forcing the first deal and my energy was desperate and rushed. I did not pay attention to the signs and I was not assertive enough with the buyers, so I gave too much to make the deal happen. It was clear every step of the way that the first deal was not aligned with my highest and greatest good. If I had just paid attention.
I realize that it may not always work out so quickly like it did for me this time, but in moments of stress and panic, we can choose to lose our grounding or sink deeper into our faith.
When doors keep shutting in our face, we can ask the Universe to show us the open doors.
When what we think we want is not showing up, we can stop and ask: is what I want truly aligned with my highest and greatest good? If it is not, please help me find my truest path.
Every experience is here to teach us something, and through it all, one truth remains: there’s no doubt in my soul that the universe truly does have our back. The key is we have to keep the faith and be patient when everything seems to be falling apart. And even when everything falls apart, keep the faith that just around the corner, a lifeline is waiting for you.
Kate Cavendish
Posted at 21:23h, 04 DecemberThis is exactly what I have been thinking and feeling lately and needed this very powerful and loving and special confirmation. Each time fear shows its face, we can embrace and be grateful because that is showing us something and that we are safe, because, as you so perfectly said and elaborated upon, and what is sticking with me very powerfully is that “THE UNIVERSE ALWAYS HAS YOUR BACK” and it truly does. Even when you feel like it might not, it’s still there for you. So we must trust, have faith, and be kind to ourselves and others. Thank you so much!
Christy Rodriguez
Posted at 21:30h, 04 DecemberI am so glad this story and message resonated with you. Thank you for taking the time to read my story and leave a comment. Wishing you many miraculous shifts in your life :)))