Here’s one of my recipes for finding happiness in my world. There are so many great quotes that succinctly sum up the vibration of happiness.
Your attitude defines your experiences.
Either you run the day or the day runs you.
Change your mind, change your life. Share on X
And one of my personal favorites: do more of what makes you happy.
This is what I have learned: Happiness is a choice. Happiness is a spiritual practice. It is a practice because it is not easy to implement when real world stressors affect your world. Inviting happiness into your life starts with intention.
If our entire happiness depended on external circumstances, and what people do or do not do for us, we would live on a roller coaster ride. Unfortunately, most people on the planet are living like this.
Whether or not you choose to believe this: how we vibe determines what we call into our daily experience. If we stay stuck on a low vibe feeling, that feeling will take over and hook you, sending you into a spiral – attracting even more low vibes. I have been there. Universal law dictates that we attract what we are, and what we think. I invite you to test this theory and start to observe your feelings and circumstances. Your vibrational frequency is the catalyst for all of your experiences.
I prefer to describe my mood or vibe as either being low or high at any given moment, as opposed to good or bad, because good and bad are so subjective and relative to our individual perceptions.
I’m not suggesting we fake our way to happiness because life can be challenging and we need to process our emotions, and deal with the circumstances in our life, even the seemingly negative and “bad” stuff, but our attitude determines everything.
As long as we are breathing, we have a life to live.
How you live it, is completely your choice. Don’t give that power away to anyone or anything because nothing is truly permanent, except for your soul.
Here is a snapshot of my daily dose of happiness and I invite you to try some of these out:
**I wake up in the morning and set an intention for the day. How do I want to spend my day and what kind of energy am I going to emanate?
**I take a few slow breaths as I wake up (expanding belly as I inhale and contracting it as I exhale – slowly counting to 5, holding my breath for 2 seconds, then exhaling slowly for a count of 5). This will ground you. Thank Dr. Chopra and Oprah for this tool!
**I say a prayer of my liking, or a mantra, or a simple statement like today I choose to see the blessings in my life, or my personal favorite: God/universe/angels/guides, please remove what no longer serves me from my life and is weighing me down.
**I write down 3 things for which I am grateful (could be as small as my comfortable bed or as big as my job). Even if I am going through a difficult time, it raises my vibration instantly. We often say that we are grateful, but do we consciously acknowledge our blessings? We all have them.
**I take a time out during the day (sometimes more than one) even if it’s just for a few minutes to breathe!
**Almost every morning, I listen to music.
**I do at least one daily activity that brings me joy like reading or taking a long bath.
Sometimes I take a small dose and other times I take a big dose. It deepens on my state of mind. It is indeed a practice for me too!
Here is the important realization: Every little right act builds up momentum and before you know it, happiness will become part of your daily routine, even if it’s just for a moment in time.
Capture that happy moment and hold it in your heart, because your God given birthright is happiness. Your soul is pure happiness and you should relax and embrace that light as often as possible. It is always available to you.
Let’s face it, in between the happy moments, there may be stress and every day struggles. And Just like stress accumulates, so too does happiness.
In the meantime, happiness will light the way, so make that choice today.
I would love to hear your daily practices that bring happiness. It’s one of the greatest feelings in the world!
I hope this served you.
May your life be filled with many miraculous shifts.
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